
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chinese Fetus Soup

It may not be knowledge among common man, but having fetus soup for a good health has long been a Chinese tradition. Yes, Human Fetuses. The internet has indeed made the world a smaller place by bringing people very close to each other. With this advance in technology, we are also one step closer to nightmares such as this.

Having Human Fetus with chicken or pork in the form of a soup is believed to bring better health, increased sexual stamina, beautiful skin, healthier kidneys and so on. It is not uncommon knowledge among the Cantonese population in China, in fact, it is actually encouraged due to the so called advantages in consuming it.

This practice is also big business in Canton. Doctors and nurses sell fetuses (dead) to their customers such as restaurant owners and individual buyers. A fetus soup dish can cost as much as $4000 per dish. That is how big the business is and so is the demand which is obvious from the price tag. Code named as Spare Rib Soup by the locals, it is a dish very much in demand by the locals as well as customers as far away as Hong Kong.

A reporter who has gone undercover has even found out the recepie for the soup. There are also reports that couples who are not financially stable make babies only to abort them and sell them as they make a lot of money in the process. This might seem somewhat acceptable according to their views keeping in mind the nutritional values and the money making opportunities available, but this is the worst thing imaginable that can be done to a human life.

The baby is indirectly killed even before it is born and then sold for money and eaten. Cannibalism has taken a new face in the form on Chinese Fetus soup. This must be stopped by all means, not only does this show how far our value for life has fallen, but how cruel we humans have become.

1 comment:

  1. I think that if the fetus is dead this is better than to let it just waste it's life. If it was a miscarriage at least it's helping somebody



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