
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The 2.8 Million Dollar Camera

The world's most expensive camera was auctioned this weekend in Austria for $ 2.8 Million. The camera is a Leica which was made in 1923 and never ever sold. The Leica is a rare camera and sets the world record for the most expensive camera auctioned beating the previous camera at $ 1.7 Million. The buyer chose to remain anonymous.

Leica camera started to sell in 1925 selling 90,000 cameras in 7 years. The brand still remains one of the best in the industry to this day.

What Would You Do with US$ 2.8 Million?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Man Tries to Pay off Dinner with a Bag of Marijuana

A man who went to Denny's restaurant in Niagara falls Boulevard tried to pay off the cashier with a bag of Marijuana. After ordering a meal of burger and fries worth $ 9.91, the man paid the cashier $1 and tried to pay off the rest with a bag of weed that he had with him.

When the cashier refused to accept the weed, he started hawking the weed around the restaurant trying to find a fellow stoner to make some money to pay the cashier. The cashier immediately called the police. On seeing the police, the man escaped into a nearby wooded area.

An employee of the restaurant identified the man and gave his name and address to the police. he was not home when the police went to arrest him.

What would you do if you were the cashier? Will you accept the WEED?

Chinese Fetus Soup

It may not be knowledge among common man, but having fetus soup for a good health has long been a Chinese tradition. Yes, Human Fetuses. The internet has indeed made the world a smaller place by bringing people very close to each other. With this advance in technology, we are also one step closer to nightmares such as this.

Having Human Fetus with chicken or pork in the form of a soup is believed to bring better health, increased sexual stamina, beautiful skin, healthier kidneys and so on. It is not uncommon knowledge among the Cantonese population in China, in fact, it is actually encouraged due to the so called advantages in consuming it.

This practice is also big business in Canton. Doctors and nurses sell fetuses (dead) to their customers such as restaurant owners and individual buyers. A fetus soup dish can cost as much as $4000 per dish. That is how big the business is and so is the demand which is obvious from the price tag. Code named as Spare Rib Soup by the locals, it is a dish very much in demand by the locals as well as customers as far away as Hong Kong.

A reporter who has gone undercover has even found out the recepie for the soup. There are also reports that couples who are not financially stable make babies only to abort them and sell them as they make a lot of money in the process. This might seem somewhat acceptable according to their views keeping in mind the nutritional values and the money making opportunities available, but this is the worst thing imaginable that can be done to a human life.

The baby is indirectly killed even before it is born and then sold for money and eaten. Cannibalism has taken a new face in the form on Chinese Fetus soup. This must be stopped by all means, not only does this show how far our value for life has fallen, but how cruel we humans have become.

Iceberg Flipping Over

The flipping over of a Iceberg has been caught on video by a tourist in Los Glaciares National in Argentina. It is a very popular tourist spot where tourist visit to see the glacier. The phenomenon caught on the video is nothing short of spectacular. The Phenomenon is called 'calving' in which an Iceberg flips over bringing up a new mass of Ice that was under the water earlier.

Calving is not a rare occurrence in Nature but to capture one happening is definitely rare. Calving is blamed on the warming of the Earth's Atmosphere by some while others point fingers on reasons like warm water that flows under the ocean melting the Iceberg and causing it to tilt over. 

The process of calving is often followed by a loud cracking or booming noise. The Calving of a big Iceberg can be dangerous to nearby boats or buildings if any. Massive chunks of them falling into the water as a result of melting may also cause a destructive Tsunami.

Below you will see the video of the phenomenon as it happens. It was captured by a tourist who was on the boat. It is believed that the video was captured on March of 2012 but released later on in May 2012.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

El Chupacabras, The Goat Sucker

When translated into English, El Chupacabra means 'Goat Sucker'. This cryptozoological creature gets this name from its attacks that were first noticed in the mid 90's. It's been said that this creature attacks goats by biting its neck and digging into it with its long teeth and draining the blood out if the animal. It is said to make one hole on the skin and suck the blood out of this spot. This was what was known of it initially. But as it made its way through Puerto Rico, its victims included other small animals such as chickens and rabbits and even small children. The human attacks were not as bad and no human deaths have been reported up to
date. But it left the people in panic. The attacks spread to Central America, Mexico, Southern
US and then South America.

There were a few theories as to how these creatures came into existence from extra-terrestrial pets to creatures that lived under earth that made its way to the surface due to an earthquake. But the most famous theory out of it all remains that these creatures were a secret creation of the US military base in the jungle which escaped after a hurricane.

The first sightings of these creatures were made in 1995 when Madeline Tolentino and a few other witnesses described it as a cross between a kangaroo and a gray. They said it was about 4 feet tall with a large head and a mouth without lips and red eyes. Apparently it had a relatively small body and webbed wings and muscular hind legs which seemed to be adapted for leaping. Another witness who spotted this creature on another occasion said that it had fangs, its eyes were as big as a hen's egg and that it had colored spikes down its back and head. In March 1996, a Spanish talk show aired the story about the El Chupacabra. Followed by the show, there was an explosion in Mexico and the United States. But up to date, no photos of the El Chupacabra have been taken other than the eyewitness accounts.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi is Dead

After months of fighting, the 42 years of rule of Libya by Muammar Gaddafi is over leaving many Libyan’s celebrating victory and independence from over four decades of terror and mayhem.

The news made headlines around the world on Thursday 20th as investigations were taking place regarding the authenticity of his death.
According to reports, Gaddafi was found alive and he has begged for his life after being captured by the opposing forces. It is not clear in what way he was executed, there are reports which say he was killed in crossfire while more authenticity is given to the capturing and killing of Gaddafi. Regardless of how he was killed, the fact is that Muammar Gaddafi is dead.

While Gaddafi and his last remaining loyalist were fleeing from Sirte, US spy planes had been tracking them. Gaddafi was making his escape in heavily armored convoys; he was being spied on by US spy planes who were aware of his possible plans for escaping.

The convoy Gaddafi was escaping was spotted by a pilot less spy plane and sent back to the base in Mojave desert which confirmed his identity and gave green lights for the attack.
The convoy was attacked by fighter jets and there was crossfire by Gaddafi loyalist against the rebels who were on the run after the airstrike. Reports also confirm Gaddafi’s defense minister Abu Bakr Younus was also among the dead.

The burial of the late leader has not yet been decided but it is believed that the burial ceremony maybe be kept a secret.

Finally after over 2 months of fighting the mission is accomplished. Mummar Gaddafi was 69 when he was killed. With the death of the General comes to an end a dark age of over 4 decades of murder, mayhem and dictatorship.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Megan fox is a Man

Many of you may have heard of rumors that Megan Fox is a man or you may have gone completely unaware of it. Well, buckle up because it’s going to be a rough ride.

Reports have confirmed the Transformers actress and the Sexiest Women in the World 2008 is indeed a man. It comes as a surprise to many as the very popular actress amongst the youngsters is a man.
The idea that she is man started when she commented she looks like a man in the Golden Globes Ceremony. However, this was confirmed when she officially reported that she is really a man.

Megan Fox made her debut as an actress in the movie Holiday in the Sun in 2001 and her first major movie in Confession of a Teenage Drama Queen in 2004 followed by a few other movies. But she made her fame as leading actress Mikaela Banes in Transformers in 2007 and its sequel in 2009.

She has also been nominated for many awards such as MTV Movie awards, National Movie awards, Teen Choice awards and Young Artist Awards.

She has also ranked among the top 100 sexiest women in the infamous FHM magazine in a row from 2006 – 2009 and ranked number one in 2008.

A lot has changed since the truth has come to light and many will not look at her the same way again. The sexy Megan Fox who was once the conversation among every guy will now be history, so much for being the sexiest women in the World.


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